1950 Diary

Cover 1950 Diary

Cover 1950 Diary

Much time spent with Gerald and Sara Murphy. Powell inspired to start work on “The Wicked Pavilion.” In November, Powell makes her one and only trip to Europe, where she lives in Paris at the Hotel Lutetia.

1950 Diary excerpt A P03 14

1950 Diary excerpt A P03 14

Powell begins planning her novel “The Wicked Pavilion” during a visit to the Murphy estate on the Hudson River.

1950 Diary excerpt B P03 15

1950 Diary excerpt B P03 15

Continuation of Powell planning her novel “The Wicked Pavilion.”

1950 Diary excerpt C P03 16

1950 Diary excerpt C P03 16

Continuation of Powell planning her novel “The Wicked Pavilion.”

1950 Diary excerpt D P03 13

1950 Diary excerpt D P03 13

One of Powell’s many meditations on artistic fulfillment.